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The Hydro Sustainability Fund (FSH, in Portuguese) and the Partners for the Amazon Platform (PPA, in Portuguese) signed a three-and-a-half-year partnership that aims to finance community-based and structuring projects to be promoted in Barcarena (PA). The first public notice should be released in March 2022 and will be planned and developed in partnership with the Sustainable Barcarena Initiative (IBS, in Portuguese), a collaborative platform that, based on dialogue with civil society, points out solutions and for the main needs of the territory. During this period, the project will be divided into two lines of action: notice for Structuring Projects – these are projects with a diffuse, regional impact, with a long-term effect and that leverage other projects, with an execution period of up to two years; and public notice for Community Projects – these are projects with a local scope that directly benefit the target community of the project in question, with a term of up to one year.

“The Hydro Sustainability Fund is focused on building a form of shared planning with society, working in a network to support projects that can contribute to improving the quality of life in the Barcarena region. We believe that it is possible to collaboratively achieve a more effective development based on sustainable solutions for the region”, says Eduardo Figueiredo, executive director of the Hydro Sustainability Fund.

About PPA - PPA is an initiative aimed at developing and identifying tangible and innovative solutions for the sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity, forest and natural resources in the Amazon, facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

About FSH - The Hydro Sustainability Fund was created by the companies Hydro, Alunorte and Albras to voluntarily support socio-environmental projects aimed at sustainable development. The objective of the Fund is to manage this financial investment, considering the guidelines and priorities defined under the Sustainable Barcarena Initiative (IBS). With a total value of BRL 730 thousand, the Fund started its activities in 2019 with the launch of a first public notice that has three financing lines: actions aimed at employment and income, environment, institutional strengthening, sport, culture and leisure.

About IBS

The Sustainable Barcarena Initiative is an independent movement of people and institutions that have decided to work together to transform the social reality of Barcarena. It brings together the efforts of various social actors, including Hydro, to promote and accelerate changes in the municipality. By promoting a collaborative space, it involves members of academia, companies, communities, civil organizations and authorities to share concerns, discuss and prioritize the main needs of Barcarena.

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