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Aluminium replaces steel

Norwegian company TKS Heis has developed a new platform lift using aluminium extrusions. The company´s previous constructions have primarily been based on flanged and buckled steel plate, a solution based on function rather than design.

For the new lift generation it was decided at an early stage that the construction material would be aluminium extrusions rather than steel. The reasons for this were many and included improvements to characteristics and function as well as design.

The 20 or so extrusions that are used in the construction of the lifts were developed in close cooperation with Hydro Aluminium Profiler’s technical division.

Modular based construction

The new lift, the TKS Apollo, is a self-supporting modular based construction for 9 m buildings, about 4 floors. The lift is chain driven with a motor on the roof – this can be indoors or outdoors. All the domestic modules have the same measurements; it is only the sections between the floors that are adjusted to suit the construction environment. By designing the lifts in this way the company has used fewer components and the logistics and assembly are thereby simplified. The lifts are supplied in kit form and a two-storey lift shaft can be assembled in just two days.

Elegant design

A great deal of time and thought has gone into the design. The new lifts have a clean look with smooth surfaces, concealed joints and channels for cables as well as soft round extrusions around the door handles and control panel. A slim extrusion design for the frame and posts has maximized the platform whilst minimizing the external measurements.

Quality and precision in combination with simplicity of design and reliability have been the motto all though the development. By using aluminium extrusions TKS have managed to meet the demands for flexibility and function with an attractive design that has taken the term lift design to new heights!


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