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Hydro won in the “Open Class” category for all companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and for “Best IR Team.”

The main prize is based on an evaluation of a company’s website, annual report, other financial and extra-financial reporting, presentations, and providing information on strategy, framework conditions and market, among other activities.

All Norwegian stockbrokers, large institutions and NFF members are invited to nominate candidates. Hydro last won the top prize in 2013 (winners are excluded from the voting the next two years.)

 “I am particularly happy about this prize as it reflects that many of our key stakeholders are to a large extent satisfied with the way we communicate to the market,” says Eivind Kallevik, chief financial officer in Hydro.

“Not least, this is an award that reflects the efforts of a large part of our organization, making a great contribution to ensure high-quality reporting and communication around both financial and non-financial communication. We are now the benchmark in Norway and we should continue to work hard to maintain this position, and to improve our performance within this important arena to the next level.”

Adds Stephan Mocek, Head of Corporate Financial Reporting, Performance andTax: “Being awarded the Stockman prize is a great honor. We continuously strive to improve our processes and communication in order to provide high quality information to the financial markets. Receiving the Stockman prize for the sixth time now shows that the ongoing effort is recognized and is a great motivation for the organization to continue in that direction.”

While Hydro’s Investor Relations department has won other industry honors, this is the first year it has claimed the “Best IR Team” category since it was established it in 2003. Hydro’s former Head of IR, Peik Norenberg, won the NFF “Best Head of IR” in 2002.

Stian Hasle, who took over as Head of Investor Relations in June, says the Best IR Team award reflects both Hydro’s overall financial reporting strength and efforts by the IR department to provide the financial community with high-quality information combined with good response time.

“We try to be available all the time,” says Hasle. “We spend a lot of time in contact with the analysts that closely cover Hydro, and of course we are available for all investors. And as the only aluminium company on the Oslo Stock Exchange, the information we can provide on what is happening in the market is especially valuable.”  

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