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Take responsibility and shape the future

As an apprentice at Hydro in Nenzing, you are given a lot of responsibility early on, because that gives young talents like you an additional motivation. With us you learn how to tackle tasks independently, you can contribute your ideas for your own projects and make a contribution to society. Our apprentices are trained by competent specialists and enjoy 1:1 supervision. The apprenticeship at Hydro in Nenzing has profile in the truest sense of the word and is the starting point for a large number of development opportunities. Responsible action, courage and cooperation are our values on which we build and which guide us.

Get an insight into everyday work at Hydro Nenzing.

Apply here or sign up for a taster day!


Get to know your strengths

A rotation system allows you to change departments regularly and thus enjoy a wide range of training. The rotation gives you the opportunity to get to know different areas of the company. You can find out what really suits you, where you want to develop further and gain a foothold after the apprenticeship. This makes you an important part of our value chain.

Our apprenticeship professions

Insights into the Apprenctices-Team

a group of people posing for a photo outside of a building

Team Nenzing

a woman holding a phone

Various benefits: bus and train for free

a group of people posing for a photo

Great events with the apprentices-team


Modern work spaces & digital tools

a group of people posing for a photo in front of a plane

Team Nenzing on the move

a group of people working on a fire hydrant

Implement own projects

a large building with a road and mountains in the background

Our plant

a man and woman wearing hard hats

Safety first


Get to know different company departments

Your benefits as an Hydro apprentice


Learn support | Training | Development of your social skills

a stack of blue barrels

Bonus for outstanding achievements | Bus and train for free | Profit participation | discount program | Food allowance


Team events


Fitness | Yoga | Running team


High-quality work wear | future insurance | private accident insurance

shape, icon, arrow

Company doctor | psychological advice | massage offer


Bonus for "Papamonat" | gifts for marriage, birth and retirement


Homeoffice | semi-retirement | maternity-leave management

Apply here or sign up for a taster day!


In order to make your start at Hydro Nenzing easier, there is a get-to-know-you meeting over a cozy afternoon barbecue before the start of the apprenticeship. Every year, the apprentice team organizes a get-to-know-you weekend to strengthen the team spirit and promote cohesion at an early stage. Every year, the Hydro Nenzing apprentices go on an excursion, in recent years they have gone to the Skyline Park, the climbing garden or bubble soccer. The trainers also meet you and the other apprentices and your parents once a year for dinner. Of course, we are also present with our apprentices at the Vorarlberg Apprentices' Ball. At apprenticeship fairs, the entire team of apprentices is integrated – in preparation and on site.

Are you in the 9th. school year and looking for an apprenticeship? If you like working in a team and are motivated and enjoy your work, Hydro Nenzing is the place for you!

Hydro Extrusion Nenzing Hydro Nenzing as an Employer Our purpose and values