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The Global Child Forum, together with the Boston Consulting Group, publishes the report "Corporate Sector and Children's Rights Benchmark," in which they benchmark 700 companies globally, examining how the companies address children’s rights issues.

This year, Hydro has been placed in the leader group. The benchmark highlights that we "have taken concrete steps to move beyond policies and have embedded children’s rights into company practice, following-up through monitoring, transparent reporting and programs to create action for children’s rights."

 Underpinned by Hydro's Sustainability goal of reaching 500,000 with education and skills development, we run several programs targeted at children's education and development in our communities. You can read about some of these initiatives here.

We also score highly on ensuring decent work for young workers, parents and caregivers, and prevention of child labor. An area for improvement is to continue embedding the perspective of children in our marketing and advertising, and product safety.

We care about children's rights because children make up a large part of our population and are stakeholders to our business. Children are family members of our employees, members of the communities where we operate, young workers, future employees and future business leaders. Children's Rights and Business Principles set out how we as a business can better include children's perspective in our work.

Read the report here.


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