Why aluminium in your smartphone contains aluminium of the highest purity
Is 99 percent pure aluminum good enough? The high-technological electronics industry goes for two or even three nines after the period for aluminium of very high purity. Here is why they need it.
High-purity aluminium is not just as pure as it gets, it is also high-speed: it moves electrical current even faster. That speeds up electronic semiconductors and devices from computers to smartphones.

Whether in displays, micro-chips, memory drives or with the Start/Stop control in passenger cars – countless people all over the world benefit from this metal. Sometimes even just a touch of it is enough, says Berthold Lukat, who leads this business in Hydro.
Tailored high-end aluminium
The high-end aluminum is produced with fractional crystallization, finally casting the ready-to-use liquid metal to various shapes, tailored to the customer's request.
Want to know more? Read more about High purity aluminium on hydro.com
Most of this aluminium goes to the high-tech industry in Asia, and mainly used in products such as LCD screens, computers, smartphones, tablets and other products.