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The Território do Saber program, carried out by Hydro in partnership with the Paragominas Municipal Education Secretariat, selected more than 200 teachers to participate in training courses and free specialization. The courses aim to expand the didactic-pedagogical competences and skills of teachers with innovative teaching and learning methodologies, aligned with the new National Common Curricular Base (BNCC).

The activities will be carried out by Evoluir, Hydro's implementing partner in the program. The courses consist of a specialization in Young Adult Education (EJA) and five options for Improvement in Youth and Adult Literacy (AJA): Teaching Portuguese - Early Years, Teaching Portuguese - Final Years, Improvement in Teaching Mathematics - Years Initials, Improvement in Mathematics Teaching - Final Years, Improvement in Education Management and Integral Education.

The face-to-face classes start on February 7th, taking place on weekends, once a month, with the support of online mentoring. The courses and materials are totally free and aimed at education professionals from the municipal education network of Paragominas who are working with the public of the course for which they signed up and who live in Paragominas. The exception is the Improvement in Education Management and Comprehensive Education course, which is also aimed at directors, deputy directors and pedagogical coordinators.

The selected candidates have already been notified by the program, but the full list can also be accessed here .


The Territory of Knowledge initiative is in line with Hydro's commitment to building a positive agenda for the sustainable development of the municipalities in Pará where it operates. The company believes that education professionals will be better prepared to improve the educational performance of municipal schools, through actions aimed at strengthening school management and changing the culture of these establishments.

In addition to free training for education professionals in Paragominas, the program also provides for other work fronts, such as pedagogical support, support for SEMEC management and literacy for young people, adults and the elderly.

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