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The Hydro Sustainability Fund, the Mitsui Bussan Foundation in Brazil and the Peabiru Institute announced those selected for the second Business Development Cycle of the Tipitix project – Community Agrifood Entrepreneurship, an initiative to promote sustainable development solutions in the Amazon. Ten entrepreneurs were chosen, individually or in groups who for four months will receive technical assistance support in adapting their business model; infrastructure for processing its production; support in design, credit and commercial advice to place the product and/or service on the market; as well as administrative and accounting support for the procedures related to the formalization and management of the business.

The second cycle received 46 interested in the development of their businesses and 20 of these advanced to the stage of presenting their proposals. They were able to develop or improve their proposals at project design workshops held in November. The defense of the ideas was done in a “Shark Tank” model, with a presentation of the projects to a committee of judges, which included the participation of the Municipal Secretary of Agriculture, Edson Cardoso. Each candidate had approximately five minutes to present their business idea. The judges evaluated the relevance of the business for the development of agriculture in Barcarena, the technical and operational feasibility of its implementation, the market potential, the social impact and the environmental impact.

Tipitix was released in March of this year. A voluntary and spontaneous investment, the project received the amount of BRL 1.5 million for the installation of a processing unit, inaugurated last October, which is offering several opportunities to entrepreneurs and social groups in the region. The initiative is in line with the municipal policy of sustainable rural development managed by the Municipality of Barcarena. In addition to a space for processing, giving rise to various products, the project has shared marketing and commercialization strategies, facilitating access of these products to the market and to new buyers, such as small commercial establishments in the region, industrial restaurant operators in the municipality and innovation startups in the agrifood chain.

The Peabiru Institute is the implementing partner of Tipitix and responsible for the initial administration of the project, until a local group is strengthened for its management in the future. In addition, it mobilizes and selects the beneficiaries of the business unit. The selection of users seeks to ensure, in a broad and equitable manner in the territory, the access of the various local productive groups to the opportunities offered by the project.

Meet the entrepreneurs selected for the second Business Development Cycle:

Agildo Carvalho*

Product: Açai

Benilson Castro Viana*

Product: Coconut Oil

Elias Bezerra de Souza*

Product: Banana Chips

Natalina Jesus da Costa Coutinho*

Product: Regional fruit jelly

Paula Amanda*

Product: Organic vegetables

Priscilla Rachel Costa

Product: Manioc Brigadeiro

Raquel Rodrigues Mendes*

Product: Tucupi

Silvana de Fatima dos Anjos

Product: Taperebá ice cream

Vagner Days

Product: Taperebá syrup

Vidal Pompeu Gomes

Product: Manioc cheese bread

*Participants in Ativa Barcarena

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