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Stories by Hydro

Meet Mattias: From teamwork in China to Sweden

“People always perform best together. You win and develop as a team. That's how I look at sales. ”

His career in the aluminum industry began in the year of the rabbit, 1999. According to the Chinese calendar, such people are talkative, talented and ambitious. They are also conscientious and have excellent taste. Whether you believe in Chinese astrology or not, it is a description that fits well with Mattias Eriksson and his career - from a managerial role in China to sales manager at Hydro Extrusions.

Mattias Eriksson has lived his whole life in the aluminum industry. That's about how he expresses himself when we sit down for this interview. His career began in 1999 with an aluminum wholesaler where he tested everything that could be done with aluminum. He then went on to various types of sales jobs and eventually ended up as head of the company's unit in China. It was, to put it mildly, a cultural clash for Mattias, both on a professional and private level.

"China and Sweden are in many ways completely different worlds and there are also many differences in the business world. It took me almost a year to find a good balance in my leadership role and life in general. A lot was about coming to the realization that everyone is different and differences is something that benefits the whole group. For me it is important to create a functioning team where everyone contributes with their unique strengths. When we parted, we were really a close-knit team, almost like a family. It was a receipt that I had done something good, both for myself and the group ", says Mattias Eriksson, now Sales Manager Sweden North at Hydro Extrusions.

Once home in everyday life after his Chinese adventure of 3.5 years, Mattias discovered that it was difficult to find the motivation. After sixteen years in the same company, he decided to try something else. He made a short detour to the plastics industry, but the longing for aluminum became too great. Through a contact, at the now divested business, Hydro Rolling, he started working with sheet metal. Hydro is still on the business card today, but sheet metal has been turned into profiles. Something that really feels good for Mattias.

"In a way, Hydro has always been the benchmark. It was there you wanted to be. At least it was so for me. It feels really good to work for a global company that both wants and can take the lead in everything from sustainability to quality." , says Mattias.

Enjoyment from food to match

Much of Mattias' life revolves around the family as well as tasty food and drink. An interest he shares with his wife and daughter. Unlike most other five-year-olds, Mattias' daughter prefers delicacies such as oysters and parmesan instead of fish sticks and household cheese. However, the family does not share his other major interests in life - football in general and the favorite team Tottenham Hotspur in particular. According to Mattias, it is not possible to book anything, not even a gastronomic experience, when the white giants from London play a match.

Mattias 3 quick advantages with aluminum

- It can be used for so much, from foil at home in the kitchen to important components in aircraft
- Aluminum is a stylish and flexible material that provides many different design options
- The recyclability is phenomenal, as aluminum does not lose any of its properties

Have a chat with Mattias
Mattias Eriksson
Sales Manager Sweden North
0702-86 61 70

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