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The Casa Familiar Rural Padre Sérgio Tornetto (Rural Family House), located in the Quilombola Territory of Jambuaçu, in the municipality of Moju, is an important center for the development of the region. In January of this year, a renovation of the space began, which underwent structural and aesthetic repairs, with a complete revitalization of the building, including the replacement and modernization of the hydraulic and electrical part and the painting and repairs of the roof and walls. Spaces such as the library, computer room, bedrooms, cafeteria and kitchen were also revitalized. The reopening of the space took place last Friday, the 20th, and the House has already resumed training activities.

“I am very happy to be the president of the association at this important moment. I believe that, as of today, our students and teachers will value the educational issue even more and this environment that we have prepared to guarantee quality teaching. I'm sure it will be very rewarding for everyone and the Casa Familiar Rural will be recognized as an educational center of reference in our territory”, celebrates Maria do Carmo Amaral, president of the Casa Familiar Rural Padre Sérgio Tornetto Association.

This work is part of the agreement that Hydro has had with the space since 2012, aimed at supporting education and collective development in the territory. The partnership in this initiative has been part of Hydro's corporate social responsibility strategy since the company acquired Mineração Paragominas and the ore pipeline that passes through this region.

"The revitalization work is the result of the continuous dialogue between the company and the community in a joint construction to promote the quilombola identity and the sustainable development of the Jambuaçu territory", declares Eduardo Figueiredo, director of Territorial Development at Hydro. The supervision of the work was carried out by the administrators of the Casa Familiar Rural, with Hydro's technician responsible for carrying out the work, which employed part of the workforce from the territory itself.

Inauguração da revitalização da Casa Familiar Rural (1)

In addition to the health and safety actions already adopted in all Hydro units, the current reinforcements due to the prevention of covid-19 were rigorously adopted in the renovation work of the Casa Familiar Rural headquarters. Among the various actions, protection measures for employees, contractors and communities stand out, from hiring professionals, transport to the location and food, and permanent guidelines on care to be carried out inside and outside the work environment.

 a group of people sitting in a room


About 60 residents of the quilombola communities in the territories of Jambuaçu and Juquiri, in the municipality of Moju, have been benefiting from Hydro's Professional Training Program, in partnership with the National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai), which has courses based at the Casa Familiar Rural. The program has already benefited 90 other residents of communities close to the company’s pipeline in Moju, as well as in the Pará municipalities of Abaetetuba and Ipixuna do Pará. The objective is to contribute to generating employment and income in the region and the training represents an opportunity to enter the job market, with Senai certification recognized throughout the national territory.


About the Rural Family House

Organization that works with education and seeks to enable, in rural areas, the implementation of new standards of social relations at work and with nature, based on sustainable development and the training of young people and their families.

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