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Hydro's Supplier Development Program (PDF), developed in partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Pará (FIEPA), through REDES - Innovation and Economic Sustainability, was delivered on November 8, in the auditorium of the in Belém, the certificate for companies that completed the 3rd edition of the program. In this edition, 21 companies were invited to participate, in September 2021, of which 12 were certified, for completing all the training modules, with the use within the required percentage. They are companies from Belém, Barcarena, Paragominas and Castanhal.

The program aims to train companies in the territories where Hydro operates and, at the same time, stimulate the economic development of Pará. Among the training stages, which last around one year, the companies underwent audits, with the aim of identifying opportunities for improvement related to their management system; 17 disciplinary topics; two complementary lives on YouTube; quiz and interactions with participants; mentoring and digital assessments; interaction on an exclusive website with technical programming, news, newsletters and content library (recorded classes).

“To be part of the Hydro group today, for Tratobel, is a huge satisfaction, in terms of supplier management it was another learning experience, where we can observe and improve the working conditions of our company and we have evolved a lot”, comments Débora Franco, representative of Tratobel.

The initiative represents a leap in management quality, with a structured and sequenced program. Participants were trained in four training modules in the administrative, commercial and operational areas, in addition to having coaching and mentoring support throughout the training. As a bonus, the suppliers presented their portfolios to Hydro's buyers at a business event shortly after certification.

“All the companies participating in the three cycles of the program are or have been suppliers of Hydro. For the next cycle, in 2023, we intend to expand to new companies”, highlights Tammy Costa, supplier development analyst.

The first edition in the new format promoted the certification of 21 companies. There were more than 130 class hours, around 200 people directly reached and 200 improvement actions and investments by suppliers. In the second edition, 22 companies from Paragominas were invited and, of these, 11 were certified, reaching 96 people. In this third one, 160 representatives/employees were reached.


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