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Hydro and Albras, in partnership with the State Government, signed on November 18th the Service Order for the construction of Usina da Paz in the municipality of Tomé-Açu, in the Rio Capim Integration Region, in Pará. This is an action to strengthen security and citizenship in the municipality. A UsiPaz is in the process of being built in Barcarena, with financing from the two companies, and two others in Paragominas and Moju with financing from Hydro, expected to be completed in 2025.

When in operation, the Usina da Paz in these municipalities will offer a variety of free services, such as issuing documents, medical and dental offices, courses, a swimming pool for young people and adults, sports activities, among others. In Tomé-Açu, the multifunctional complex will be built on land donated by the city hall, located on Rodovia PA 140, S/N, corner of Rua Parmalat, Núcleo Urbano Informal NUI E-01 neighborhood.
Between October 2022 and January this year, Hydro built and handed over to the State Government three units of Usina da Paz, in Belém (PA), covering neighborhoods with greater social vulnerability. The entire construction of the three units in the capital of Pará was financed by Hydro and carried out by companies based in the state, generating more than 1,300 jobs, with an investment of R$160 million.

“This partnership has been strengthening every day with the Government and is in line with our commitment to support the improvement of the quality of life of communities in Pará, especially in the regions where we operate directly. We increasingly want to contribute to increasing positive rates in education, employment and access to culture in these areas, as we know that they are social transformers. The Peace Plants are an essential and proven legacy of inclusion and development in the places where they are built”, highlights Anderson Baranov, senior vice president of External Relations at Hydro in South America.

Recognized nationally as an innovative strategy in the sphere of public security and promotion of citizenship, Usinas da Paz play a fundamental role in the state government's Territories for Peace Program (TerPaz, in portuguese), which directs its efforts to vulnerable areas in the social and economic spheres.

To date, Pará has nine Usinas da Paz in operation, of which five are in the Metropolitan Region of Belém and two in the southeast of the State. The government's goal is to deliver 40 multifunctional complexes by 2025, with the aim of further extending the positive impacts of this initiative that strengthens citizenship and public safety in Pará.

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