Role: Independent board member1) since 2016. Current term expires in 2026. Chair of the Board Audit Committee.
Born: 1965
Nationality: Norwegian citizen, Danish resident since 1984
Number of shares in Norsk Hydro ASA: 0
Key experience:
Wiinholt is the Group CFO of WS Audiology, Denmark, since 2022. She was employed by the Danish energy company Ørsted A/S from 2004 till 2022 where she was EVP and CFO from 2013 till 2022. Included in her responsibilities as the CFO were also IT, digitalization and cyber security. She has in addition relevant experience and competence within strategy and climate change. Wiinholt has previous experience from accounting and reporting in Borealis and auditing in Arthur Andersen.
Wiinholt has earlier served at the board of directors in several organizations, including Hempel A/S and J Lauritzen A/S.
Current directorships:
- Board member and Chair of the Audit Committee of Coloplast A/S
- State authorized public accountant, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (1992)
- Cand. Merc. Aud, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (1990)
- Bachelor communication, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (1987)
1) See the Board of Directors' report in relation to the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance in the latest annual report