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Hydro was the very first sponsor to help establish the Nobel Peace Center. The center was officially opened in Oslo in June 2005.

“We in Hydro are proud to support the Nobel Peace Center and its work. We look forward to continuing our partnership and five new years with the Peace Center,” says Hydro’s head of communication Inger Sethov.  

“We are extremely happy that Hydro is continuing its long-term partnership with us. Hydro has been with us from day one, and is an active and professional partner,” says Bente Erichsen, director of the Nobel Peace Center.

The Nobel Peace Center is the cultural institution in Norway financed the most through private funding.

“Sponsorship is crucial to our continued development. A renewed agreement with Hydro is further proof of our success in having major Norwegian companies sponsor us,” says Bente Erichsen.

The Nobel Peace Center presents Peace Prize laureates and their work, Alfred Nobel and the Nobel system, and exhibitions and events relating to war, peace and resolution of conflicts.

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