Employee Referral Program Policy – Engineering/Maintenance
This Employee Referral Program Policy applies to all Engineering and Maintenance positions enterprise wide. Hydro Extrusions North America will reward employees whose referrals are hired into Maintenance or Engineering roles $3,000 in two payments. The 1st $1,500 payment will be rendered in the first pay period following the candidate’s 30th day of employment, the 2nd payment will be rendered in the first pay period following the candidate’s 90th day of employment. Internships and Co-ops are not in scope.
Policy Elements
Our company will reward employees who refer qualified candidates who are then hired into Engineering and Maintenance positions. If you know someone who meets the competency requirements and qualifications for an open position in Hydro Extrusions North America and want to refer them, proceed with the following steps:
1. Send them the job posting through ONE Careers OR if you do not have access to ONE Careers, you can e-mail or text them a link to the posting through https://jobs.hydro.com. Complete the Employee Referral Form found below and submit. It will be submitted to recruiting.north.america@hydro.com and GBS People Resourcing will monitor this inbox for referrals. The candidate must apply to the position to be considered. GBS will contact the candidate and work with them to apply.
By submitting this contact form, you consent to Hydro using the information entered by you to process your request. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.
2. "Ownership” of the Candidate’s Referral is position by position only. If a candidate has a previously created job profile in the system, you will be eligible only if you submit them for the position you reference in this process. Similarly, if the candidate applies to a future position, you will need to refer them for the position using the same process.
3. If the referred candidate is hired into an open position, you are eligible for a $3,000 referral bonus paid in two payments. This bonus is subject to all applicable taxes.
4. GBS People Resourcing will validate candidate’s status and confirm if it is a valid referral. If the candidate is hired, GBS People Resourcing will notify local HR who will be responsible for setting a reminder and entering a ticket in the HR Portal for Payroll to administer the bonus after the 90th day of employment.
Additional rules for rewards:
- Both the Referrer and the Referral must be active and not have submitted their resignation on the 30th or 90th day of their employment for the Referrer to receive the bonus.
- There is no cap on the number of referrals an employee can make. All rewards will be paid accordingly.
- If two or more employees refer the same candidate, only the first referrer will receive their referral rewards. GBS People Resourcing will utilize the date stamp the form was submitted.
Who can participate in our employee referral program?
All employees are eligible to participate in our referral program except for:
- Senior management (BUP, VP/GM)
- GBS People Resourcing & Human Resources
- Hiring managers for positions for which they’re hiring
- Vendors, Contractors, and Consultants
Generally, we encourage you to check our open positions and consider your social networks (LinkedIn Branding Work Instructions attached) and external networks as potential resources for referred candidates.
We may change our referral bonus program over time to add more positions as incentives. We also reserve the right to abolish certain rewards if they prove ineffective or inefficient. We’ll communicate any change clearly and timely. Employees who referred candidates before a reward was abolished will still receive the appropriate reward.
We’d like to remind our employees that we are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate against protected characteristics. We guarantee that all candidates will be given the same consideration and will pass through our established procedures.
Please notify the candidate that they will be considered once they apply to the position on-line.
Once you click “Submit”, the form will be e-mailed to GBS People Resourcing who will verify eligibility for the program. If one candidate is submitted multiple times for the same job, the e-mail date stamp will confirm “ownership” of the candidate for the person who submitted the resume first. This program applies to Maintenance & Engineering positions only.