Hydro Extrusion ACC-U-BAR® aluminum extruded bar is designed for high-speed machining and features improved straightness, reduced twist and transverse flatness. Hydro's aluminum bar stock accepts applied coatings well, and offers relatively high mechanical strength, high resistance to corrosion and excellent joining characteristics. Aluminum bar stock is available in square, round or rectangular extrusions in a variety of sizes.
A very versatile heat-treatable aluminum alloy, 6061 aluminum is an outstanding bar stock alloy for use in vehicle components, couplings, marine fittings and hardware, electrical fittings and connectors, hydraulic pistons, brake components, and valve parts. It is an outstanding material choice with good overall hardness and superior corrosion resistance to atmospheric conditions, including seawater.
Alloy 6082 is the most versatile of the medium strength aluminum alloys with excellent corrosion resistance, weldability, brazeability, and machinability. This heat-treatable alloy has the highest strength of the 6000 series alloys and is typically used in high stress applications, such as cranes, bridges and trusses, transport applications, scaffolds and platforms. The 6082 aluminum alloy responds well to surface finishing, anodizing and painting.
The exceptional high-speed machinability of Hydro Extrusions' ACC-U-BAR® products reduces cutting time and tool wear. Hydro Extrusion aluminum bar stock is available in a variety of tempers, in sizes with cross sectional areas up to 7.06 square inches, and has a fine recrystallized uniform grain structure. Larger cross sectional areas feature an unrecrystallized uniform grain structure, ensuring that our products deliver a consistent and dependable uniformity unsurpassed by any competing extruded product available.
Hydro Extrusions' unique capabilities include in-house casting of special alloy chemistries, enabling us to improve the mechanical properties and machinability of our products. Our indirect extrusion technology provides optimum consistency in grain structure and tolerances. Hydro Extrusion ACC-U-Line® and ACC-U-BAR® products are available from Hydro and its Premier® Distributor Partners.